How to write a successful CV


What information should be in your CV?

Your CV should contain the following:

Personal details: This may sound obvious, but many will forget to include their full names, contacts, emails and your address. To avoid the awkward moment that you will face when you present it, you should confirm this more than once.

Personal Statements: Because it is the first thing that is on you CV, the personal statement is crucial to stand out from others. The personal comments will claim the person you are and what you are offering. It should be very short and vivid.

Work experience: You should include your work experience in this section. You should start by listing the latest one first. You should never forget to include the job title, the name of that organisation, the period you were there and your key responsibilities.

Achievements: This will be the chance to show how much competent you are. You should use all the skills that you need to prove that you are better than anybody else in the whole crowd. List all your achievements by backing them up with an example and relate them to the new role that you want.

Education: Your educational accomplishments and experiences should be listed at this stage and include the dates and the qualification that you achieved. The base of your experience, if you are more educated than experienced, you put extra emphasis on this sector.

Hobbies and interests: You do not need to include hobbies on your CV, but mention some relevant ones to add up your skills and stand out from the huge crowd. Don’t just say socialising with friends for the sake. Include something worth your position.

What word should you include in the CV?

Figuring out on the phrase to use is very tough. The most appropriate word that you should include are:

  • Hard-workingcv_post
  • Pro-active
  • Responsible
  • Reliable
  • Confident
  • Accurate

When using the phrase, you should back them up with your achievements which are genuine. You will stand out from the others with your unique skills. You will also have a chance to look more reliable.

What should you leave out?

When writing your CV, there are some very common words that you should try and avoid. There are the overuse words that are common in almost all the CV. Some of these clinches words are:

  • Motivated
  • Multi-tasker
  • Goal driven
  • Excellent communications skills

If you provide the above with your CV, your character and form of work can easily be predicted. Although I had mentioned about giving a description about yourself, how you describe the experience is crucial.
